How was the Scorpio Full Moon for you all? Did you have more than a few uncomfortable revelations? Did life touch on themes of secrets? Trust? Betrayal? Did the full moon push you to be more vulnerable? Let your guard down? Did you take a hard look at your demons? The unpleasant side of yourself? Your mortality as well as the mortality of others? What’s your relationship with sex? Money? Power? Manipulation? Control?
Are you ready for rebirth?
The full moon was full of many revelations, about myself and those around me. However, I have been in the depths of Scorpio long enough now to not be scared or intimidated by any truths that are now revealed to me. I no longer think of betrayal or secrets as something that happens to poor old me. Nope, they are a reflection of others… not an indictment of me as a person. As things revealed themselves to me, as people revealed themselves to me, I simply OBSERVED. I am no longer ruled by fear.