Hi! I’m Katie Sweetman, an astrologer and psychic medium living in New York City. I created Empowering Astrology in 2010 to show you how astrology + consciousness can help you live a better, more soulful life.
Do you know what consciousness is?
Consciousness is an energy that helps us become more aware of ourselves. It helps us to grow, evolve, and liberate ourselves from the past. And it is with consciousness that we can transform through astrology, stepping into the highest potential of what was designed for us at the exact moment of our birth.
Find Transformation and Higher Potential
Empowering Astrology grew out of a more holistic, humanistic, and even spiritual approach to astrology. It recognizes all of you — your chart, your self, your spirit, and the many emotional and psychic layers that consciously and unconsciously affect how you live this chart. (Learn more about holistic astrology.)
When we work together in a one-on-one relationship, I’m using all my skills, astrological and psychic, to:
- Understand what “time” it is in your life
- Discover your life’s story arc and what lessons you need to learn
- Learn what your highest potential is
- Start to heal your emotional, energetic, and spiritual blocks
- Work on past and ancestral trauma
- Bring things into the light
- Paint a picture of what your best life looks like
- Get back in alignment with your chart’s “true north”
- Create a transformation as well as a shift in vision
- See the soul
Work with Me
I love working one-on-one with clients as a guide and transformation coach. Let’s open up your deepest layers! Let’s bring in more consciousness so that you can live your chart to its highest potential! (Read For New & Returning Clients.)
I work in a very distinctive way: I ask questions. These questions, sometimes pointed, are meant to open up a pathway for the energy of consciousness so that you can discover your real self — your highest self. And many times, the questions I ask I’m guided by my spirit guides to ask to help in this process of transformation.
Yes, I see and hear energy. I feel your spirit as well as your soul. I’m a psychic medium. Astrology is just one of many tools I employ in my work.
My Story
I’ve been interested in astrology as long as I can remember and grew up with a few dusty astrology books on the family bookshelf. Gravitating towards astrology and similar topics, I intuitively knew that there was more to life than what I could see and touch. Naturally, I wanted to know life’s deeper mysteries.
But, when I first saw my own birth chart — aka my map — as a teenager, I was horrified to read in these old books that some of my planets foretold a difficult life. Was there hope?
The same intuition that told me to search for answers to life’s mysteries also told me that there was more to my chart than the squares and angles that predicted difficulty.
As I grew older and my relationship with myself as well as astrology changed, I saw a pathway to success and transformation in the chart. It’s the same pathway that I believe is in everyone’s chart.
I hope that my success is your success.