Welcome to the Virgo Full Moon, the time in the lunar calendar to put things in order, to create structure, and to bring greater health and wellness to our lives. This full moon is also a lunar eclipse, a surge of energy that could bring pivot points and notable events. The lunar eclipse is exact on March 14, 2025 at 2:55 am EDT, 23 degrees Virgo-Pisces. That’s 11:55 pm Los Angeles on March 13, 6:55 am London, 8:55 am Johannesburg, 12:25 pm New Delhi, 5:55 pm Sydney, 7:55 pm Auckland.

Full moons put matters into the spotlight. They can be proactive, emotional, and dramatic. They can also coincide with events and changes. And a full moon that is a lunar eclipse can often mark major turning points or milestones.

Yes, we’ve reached our first eclipse in a pair of eclipses. As we may know by now, the months that coincide with eclipses are often important months, even if it is not apparent at the time. Hindsight certainly is 20/20, as the saying goes.

Eclipses happen every six months, so not rare occurrences, but they open up new chapters. They are the engine of time. Along with the energies of Saturn, they move the wheel of your life and even your karma.

This is our first eclipse in Virgo since 2015-2016, the last time we had eclipses in both Virgo and its opposing sign of Pisces. Virgo and Pisces are the helping and healing signs. Meaning, they both have a great desire to help others and are very often prominent signs in the charts of physicians, herbalists, healers, and acupuncturists, to name a few.

As an earth sign, Virgo does this work in practical measures. It’s grounded, organized, and naturally creates structures that allow life to flow. It helps its community. Healing comes hand-in-hand with hygiene and cleanliness.

This eclipse won’t be about health for everyone, but it’s still a good time to assess our physical health and wellness, which includes our surroundings and how they may be supporting or impairing our physical health. With the eclipse opposite the Sun and Saturn, it’s a great time to set realistic goals, create personal commitment, and cut anything out that is a drain on health. (This could be a time to create structures around sobriety.)

For some, a Virgo lunar eclipse is about a dose of reality that helps us to take practical steps. Such as real world action, whether it’s setting a timer, making a list, or cleaning out the cabinets and refrigerator. For others, this is an eclipse to be very present with how we show up in life, taking steps to correct where we’ve not honored our commitments and responsibilities, or to assess our present responsibilities.

If you have a Sun, Moon, or rising in Virgo, the coming days or weeks could bring personal events and achievements. The same goes for Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius, although this energy will show up in different parts of your lives.

Mercury, the ruler of the eclipse, is in Aries, which is to say that Aries receives the energy of the eclipse. If Virgo is about planning and organization, Aries is about action and putting plans into action. There is an immediacy to Aries, a sign that is not only the first sign of the zodiac, but a fire sign and the sign that coincides with the energies of the “first of spring”.

With an upcoming solar eclipse in Aries on March 29, we could be seeing the formation of plans happening now that take greater shape in April and beyond. With Saturn coming to Aries on May 24, if only just for a few months, whatever we are sketching out, whatever projects we are organizing, will certainly become more concrete in late May and into June.

In the meantime, use this energy to clean up and clean out, to make healthy choices, to move forward on plans and projects that help to create a setting for goals in 2025. It’s one thing to desire to have more meaning and purpose in our lives. It’s another to take real steps to make that happen.

For a greater presentation on this eclipse and the Aries solar eclipse of March 29, you can still get my 2.5 hour presentation on The Eclipses of March 2025. Includes sign-by-sign guide. Learn more and register in the link below.

Read More:

Chart of the Virgo Full Moon, March 14, 2025

New Webinar: The Eclipses of March 2025

Jupiter in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Video: The Astrology of March 10-16, 2025

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