Welcome to Scorpio Season. The Sun arrives in the eighth sign of the zodiac, kicking off a season dedicated to exploring the other side of the veil, the line that separates the living and the dead. It also delves into our darkest emotional heart.

Every sign of the zodiac has secrets to reveal, a mystical teacher that awakens us to the richness of life. And there are deep secrets in Scorpio, secrets that can only be accessed in our most vulnerable moments.

When I speak to clients about the Scorpio archetype, I frame it this way … Imagine a life where nothing happens, where every day is easy, where we never examine ourselves, where we never question our hidden motives and desires. Do we grow? Absolutely not.

Of course, your ego may be saying, “That’s amazing. Sign me up!” But there is no consciousness in this and certainly no growth. Our souls need nourishment and growth; they hunger for it even if the “small self” does not.

It is in Scorpio that we take a deep look at the ego. We strip away artifice. We confront the lies we tell ourselves. Through its archetype we find some of our greatest transformation. It’s the only sign of the zodiac that has three animals … the scorpion, representing our lowest self, our ego … the phoenix, representing our ability to completely change … the phoenix, representing the transcendence of the ego.

Scorpio Season invites us all to do this work of self mastery, which is truly a lifetime work. It is the descent and ascent represented by the duality of this season. (Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, the symbol of the 8 and its two loops, and Scorpio’s eighth sign is Gemini, which is the inherent duality that exists within us all — light and dark.)

Did you miss my Facebook Live for the astrology of October 21-27, 2024? I spoke all about the power of Scorpio. Watch the replay on YouTube and Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for October 23, 2024.

Read More:

Mars in Cancer: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Astrology of October 21-27, 2024

Video — The Astrology of October 21-27, 2024

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Photo by MohammadO Shokoofe on Unsplash