Mercury arrives home to Virgo, a change in gears for Virgo Season as well as a close out of August’s Mercury Retrograde. We’ve spent the last few weeks reevaluating our options. The coming days may require a decision after much deliberating.

If you recall, Mercury first entered Virgo on July 25 and turned retrograde at 4 Virgo on August 5. We’ve been retracing our steps since, as we often do during Mercury Retrograde. Mercury Direct may have been a shift in direction on August 28, but Mercury back in Virgo makes things real.

Speaking of real, only yesterday did we have our annual Sun-Saturn opposition, which brings an energy of commitment and responsibility into the start of our week. There’s a sobering energy to Saturn, but also an energy that helps us to build and construct and manifest a vision into reality.

We’re only a week or so away from a lunar eclipse at 25 Pisces on September 17. Our experiences may be a bit provocative and emotional in the coming days. With Saturn, Neptune, and Mercury all prominent at the time of the eclipse, we have to reconcile our choices against forces that are greater than ourselves. Sometimes the best decisions for us are not always our first choice.

More on this week’s astrology in my Facebook Live for September 9-15, 2024. You can watch the replay on YouTube and Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for September 10, 2024.

Read More:

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

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