The Sun and Venus merge, a conjunction that inspires beauty and pleasure as well as the playful flirtations of Venus in Gemini. Go out and spend time with friends, socialize, make connections, and have fun.

This duo is just one half of a parade of planets in Gemini that also includes Mercury and Jupiter. In fact, Mercury and Jupiter are also conjunct today, which is to say, they occupy the same space in the sky. If Mercury is ideas and information, then Jupiter brings vision, knowledge, and wisdom. We may have a lot to say. We may be inspired to share what we know.

With Jupiter in Gemini for the next year, we’re in a larger chapter of time that’s designed to make our world bigger, to open up our eyes, to inspire us to get curious, read, take classes, and try new things. Something that will be in the forefront of our experiences once we have the Gemini New Moon on June 6.

Missed my Facebook Live for June 3-9, 2024? You can watch the replay on YouTube and Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for June 5, 2024.

Read More:

Jupiter in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Mars in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Video — The Astrology of June 3-9, 2024

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