Month: July 2013

While the Grand Water Trine will be exact on July 17, 2013, we will feel its effects into August.

Grand Water Trine: “Summer of Divine Love”

In astrology, the element of water corresponds with the emotional state. The first water sign, Cancer, teaches about our immediate emotional needs, a mother’s love, and a sense of belonging that arises out of family. With the next water sign, Scorpio, it’s not just our emotional needs, but the needs […]

Data for chart above is 7/8/2013, 3:14 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Cancer: Emotional New Beginnings

Happy New Moon in Cancer! This is the time of the year when we set our intentions for new beginnings that support our emotional health. It is through the sign of Cancer that we learn about family, nostalgia, roots, the mother, and we cultivate a sense of belonging. This new […]