Month: June 2013

The author poolside, nourishing her natal Moon with words and travel.

A Lunar Feast: Transits of Jupiter to the Moon

Astrology is the measurement of time against the movement of the planets. While the birth chart remains a static point of reference, the slower moving outer planets — Jupiter and beyond — act as chapter markers in an unfolding journey. One has to only look at important conjunctions, squares, and […]

Data for chart above is 6/8/2013, 11:56 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Gemini: Write a New Story

Happy New Moon in Gemini! This is the time of the year when we create new intentions that support curiosity, communication, thinking, writing, and movement. We’re starting a new lunar cycle in Gemini after las November’s full moon. This new moon occurs at 11:56 am EDT, 18 degrees. Gemini is famous […]