In 2014, Empowering Astrology will collaborate with Bevin Branlandingham of Queer Fat Femme for a series of monthly forecasts and astrologically inspired journaling and ritual. If you like my new and full moon updates, this will give you the chance to work proactively with the lunar energies each month.

As a gift to our respective communities, we’re releasing the January forecast for free! You can download the first part here. The two parts will follow and we will release them in alignment with the Cancer Full Moon on January 15 and the Aquarius New Moon on January 30.

We’re still working out the details on this project, so we’d love to hear your feedback! As we enter a monumental year with high stress astrology, let’s make a resolution to use the energy proactively and for the highest healing.

[ Download Part One ]

Download Part Two ]

Download Part Three ]