If Mars is action and motivation, its journey through Virgo will channel that energy towards precision and excellence There’s a drive for perfection when Mars is in Virgo. Everything has to be just so, perhaps even obsessively. With that in mind, prepare to get organized and get to work. Mars will be rolling up its sleeves.

Heads up — Mars in Virgo has been known to be a workaholic. Just make sure your energy is better channeled through exercise, a healthy diet, and daily rituals that streamline your day.

Mars will be in Virgo from July 10, 2023 to August 27, 2023.

Aries or Aries Rising — Health, wellness, day-to-day life. After enjoying the life of leisure over the last six weeks, it will be time to get to work. Use the coming weeks to clean out, get organized, start a project, focus on diet, and sort through administrative tasks. It may be a reality check, too. Feeling overwhelmed? There’s nothing Virgo loves better than checking off its to-do list.

Taurus or Taurus Rising— Self expression, creativity, children, leisure. Mars in Virgo may inspire you to start a creative project and to show off your talents. This will also be a great time have fun, play sports, games, or turn up the temperature in the romance department.

Gemini or Gemini Rising — Home, family, foundation, emotional connections. Mars in Virgo will be a little bit of a noisy placement. You may find your home environment turned upside down through a move, home remodeling, or friends coming in and out of the home. This may also be a time when you clean out the home, purging old memories and keepsakes. Additionally, how is your home environment a mirror for your health?

Cancer or Cancer Rising — Travel, movement, communication, learning. Mars will inspire you over the coming weeks to take classes, especially career training or professional self improvement. How can you get better at what you do in the world? How disciplined are you? This may also be a time when you’re running back and forth between appointments or fielding a wave of phone calls, texts, and emails.

Leo or Leo Rising — Income, stability, material life. With Mars in Virgo, it’s all about the earth beneath your feet. You’ll be motivated by themes of security and stability as well as be inspired to make the money to achieve it. Alternatively, what are you holding onto? What needs to be purified in your life? How can you set up new rituals to take care of your body? You may be buying things for the home over the coming weeks.

Virgo or Virgo Rising — The self, personality, vitality, new beginnings. Mars in Virgo will get the blood pumping! If you’ve spent the last six weeks recuperating and retreating from the world, Mars will be a welcome shot of energy — but it will need direction. You may be stepping up to lead a project or taking command of your life.

Libra or Libra Rising — Retreat, rest, recuperation, surrender, endings. Like coming to the end of a long journey, Mars will pull you inward to rest. Over the coming weeks you may feel as though you’ve taken a break from the world, focusing on themes of quiet, meditation, prayer, and reflection. Motivation will come from the invisible realms as well as a need to be of service for something greater. Additionally you may be releasing old relationship karma or letting go of something or someone.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising — Friends, groups, community, society, the future. After reaching the top of the proverbial mountain over the last few weeks, what’s next? Mars in Virgo will inspire you to look toward the future and set goals. Additionally you’ll be motivated to make connections with like minded people, to network, and do work for the collective or social causes.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising — Career, direction, status, the world. For the next few weeks, Sagittarius, you’ll be on top. Time to show your talents to the world! Don’t be surprised if you’re working harder towards a goal or ambition. Mars will motivate you to reach for new heights — and let go of the things that are no longer in your best interests.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising — Travel, higher education, teaching, philosophy. Mars wants you to search for truth, motivating you to find answers to larger questions. What do you believe? What are you passionate about? What convictions do you stand for? You also may be traveling far from home as well or visiting friends on distant shores.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising — Finance, legacies, intimacy, the psyche. What does it mean to look deeply within and examine the hidden parts of your soul? What are your secrets? With Mars going behind the scenes over the next few weeks, it’ll be all about what goes on behind closed doors, from sexuality to the things you only share with a trusted confidant. Wealth, taxes, benefits, estate planning, and inheritances may be highlighted as well.

Pisces or Pisces Rising — Relationships, one-on-one connections. Mars has a tendency to heat things up; he’s not known for being a peacemaker. So when he’s in the sign of your partnerships, you may be on the defensive over the next few weeks. If something has been simmering between you and a mate or collaborator, Mars may provoke — especially over values and ideology. Alternatively, Mars will make you extra motivated to make connections and start a relationship.

Photo by Becca Matimba on Unsplash

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