February is Aquarius season, a time when we look ahead toward the future and think about the bigger picture. Where are we going? What are our goals? What are our hopes and dreams for a better life? There’s a deep humanitarian streak in Aquarius, a sign that shines the light on others instead of itself. With that in mind, the month will touch on the collective, social causes, and equality as well as society, community, groups, and friendships — especially after the new moon on February 8.

We can’t forget that it’s the sign of the oddball and eccentric. As a result, our tastes this month may run on the zany side when Venus arrives in wonderfully weird Aquarius on February 16. But before she can get there, she has to pass through Pluto and Uranus from February 5–6, signaling a major evolutionary push in relationships, values, and what we love? Pluto often shows us the dark side of things and what’s in Venus’s shadow? Power, control, manipulation, and obsession in love. Use the the first week of February to take a hard look at relationships and worth and make a transformation.

Finally, Mercury will leave its shadow this month after January’s retrograde period. It’s full steam ahead! In Aquarius, Mercury has an antenna pointed to the level of the collective. And the Virgo Full Moon on February 22 will force us to consider themes of service and how our work is serving humanity.

DATES TO NOTE: 2/3 Mercury sextile Pluto, Mercury sextile Chiron, Sun sextile Saturn; 2/5 Venus conjunct Pluto; 2/6 Mercury trine Jupiter, Sun sextile Uranus, Venus square Uranus; 2/7 Sun square Mars, Venus sextile Mars; 2/8 New Moon 19 Aquarius, Venus sextile Chiron; 2/9 Mars trine Chiron; 2/10 Venus trine Jupiter; 2/13 Mercury enters Aquarius; 2/16 Venus enters Aquarius; 2/19 Sun enters Pisces; 2/22 Full Moon 3 Virgo; 2/23 Jupiter opposite Chiron; 2/25 Mercury sextile Saturn; 2/26 Mercury sextile Uranus; 2/28 Sun conjunct Neptune; 2/29 Venus sextile Saturn.



Feeling a little more introspective than usual? Diving into themes of power, control, secrets, sexuality, finance, and legacies? After all, Mars is in Scorpio, and as your ruling planet, you’re navigating the deep emotional waters. You may be asking yourself, do I feel safe? What do I share with others? What am I not facing? Who am I giving my power away to? Scorpio is nothing short of soul baring honesty and the sort of intimacy that we only share with those we trust — not the most comfortable of territory, Aries. Keep in mind that while Mars clears out of a sign in five to six weeks, you’ll be swimming in Scorpio until March 5. Speaking of intimacy and transformation, Venus, your money and relationship planet, will line up with Pluto and Uranus from February 6–7. Time for a total transformation in what you value, your emotional connections, and the people you attract into your life. In other news, the new moon on February 8 will set off a dynamic lunar month focused on community, friendships, and your dreams for the future. You’re only a month or so away from your birthday. What do you want the next year to bring? What are you hoping to create? Who are the friends you want in your life over the coming months? Saturn’s influence in the new moon will highlight people who are not only allies, but share the same philosophy and beliefs. You need community this month. Looking toward the full moon on February 22, you will have a decision to make about work, health, diet, or your day-to-day routine. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Banking, finance, debt, taxes, legacies, benefits, money, estates, intimacy, sexuality, shadow, the psyche, death, rebirth, secrets, transformation, relationships, partners, spouses, marriage, friendships, community, connection, tribe, allies, camaraderie, goals, the future, hopes, wishes, the collective, health, wellness, service, diet, nutrition.



You’ll be journeying far this month. With Venus, your ruling planet, visiting your chart’s travel zone, don’t be surprised if February is filled with airports or plans for exotic destinations. Can’t travel? You  may find yourself touching on themes of higher education this month as well. What do you know? What are you an expert in? Keep in mind that February will start with a bit of a jolt, which, truth be told, Taurus doesn’t exactly care for. In fact, you like things pretty even keel (and knowing where the snacks are located). On February 6–7, however, Venus will make a series of connections to Pluto and Uranus. Whatever comes up for you around those days will be supercharged with change, evolution, and personal milestones. No pressure, right? So if you’re feeling the squeeze early this month, make sure you schedule some TLC. When you look at it, most of the action this month will be taking place outside the home, so you may have to grab a nap in between travel destinations. The other area getting the spotlight this month will be your direction in life and place in the world. The new moon on February 8 will bring one of this year’s key influences in career. Over the rest of February, you may start a new job or decided to make a major professional change. Looking for work? Don’t forget to polish your resume and start networking. When Venus gets to Aquarius on February 16, you’ll be in in the spotlight into March. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Travel, foreign countries, long distance journeys, higher education, philosophy, beliefs, religion, career, status, reputation, the world, ambitions, profession, direction, recognition, talents, identity, self expression, children, fun.


GeminiEven though Mercury, your ruling planet, went direct late last month, you’re still retracing your steps into the first half of February. In fact, Mercury’s extended visit to Capricorn has been nothing short of an uncomfortable look within. Gemini generally likes to keep it light; instead you’ve had things like power, control, intimacy, money, and trust on your mind. Throw in a wallop of Pluto and Uranus and you’ve been pushing to make major changes as a result, from releasing old emotions and fears to making a total break with the past. By the time you get to the new moon on February 8, however, you’ll feel a pull to try to make sense of life and some of the things you’ve been through of late. What’s your truth? What do you believe in? Additionally, travel and education will also be a big theme this month, especially after Mercury arrives in Aquarius on February 13. You may be planning a long distance trip or looking to increase your knowledge. As the writer of the zodiac, you may be publishing your ideas in February as well. Once the Sun arrives at the top of your chart on February 19, the spotlight will be on career for the rest of the month. In fact, this year may bring a professional shift or change in direction — especially after the March 8 solar eclipse. You’re gearing up for a crossroads, Gemini. You may feel like one chapter of your public or professional life is slipping away while another comes into focus. With Neptune’s long term influence in this area, whatever career changes you make need to aligned with your heart, compassion, and spiritual values. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The psyche, the shadow, choices, intimacy, banking, finance, wealth, power, shared resources, benefits, legacies, taxes, death, rebirth, philosophy, beliefs, truth, meaning, travel, higher education, ideas, publishing, writing, communication, home, family, foundation, moving, emotional connection.



Who can you trust? Who will be there for you? Do you feel safe and secure around your closest connections? With part of the action this month focused on relationships, you may be taking a hard look at the people in your life, especially around February 5–6. In fact, the first week of February is a check in with a larger story that has been unfolding through interpersonal and intimate relationships since 2008. (Yep, that long.) If we’re talking big picture here — and February is certainly a big picture month thanks to the energies of Aquarius — you’re in a time in your life where you’re experiencing major growth through other people. Got it? So there are times in the calendar when you’ll naturally check in with this story — like February! As a result, you may feel confronted by someone who triggers a deeper yet familiar emotion, someone who forces you to take another step in your personal evolution and empowerment. Additionally, Aquarius season is the time when you naturally dig into finances as well as intimacy and the psyche. Leave it up to the new moon on February 8 to usher in themes of wealth, debt, mortgages, benefits, taxes, and legacies. You may need to get your bank accounts organized, too. Nothing like tidying up your finances and listing out a budget as you head further into 2016. Looking toward the full moon on February 22, the month may end on a busy note filled with appointments, paperwork, phone calls, and trips around town. But if you’ve been working hard to get a financial matter in check, the full moon will give you the first glimpse that it’s all paying off. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, partners, cooperation, transformation, finance, wealth, shared resources, your partner’s income, benefits, taxes, wealth, legacies, death and rebirth, intimacy, secrets, movement, travel, the neighborhood, classes, workshops, communication, writing, trips.


LeoFebruary is relationship season, a time when the Sun travels through your opposing sign. It’s Aquarius that holds the mirror up for Leo, teaching the lion about concepts bigger than the self — the collective, cooperation, and allies. As a result you may be making strong connections with people this month, especially those who share your ideals and beliefs. The new moon on February 8 will open up a new beginning in relationships. The coming four weeks may be a natural time when you start a partnership, cozy up with a new mate, or open a chapter in an existing relationship. Mars’s presence in the energies of the new moon will mean that this month may be a bit noisy, stirring up feelings, emotions, and even fears about trusting someone enough to let them in. Alternatively, Mars may bring a move or a change in your living situation to remodeling. Speaking of noisy, Venus will make waves early on this month when your planet of career and status makes a powerful connection to Pluto and Uranus. You may be thinking of making a major overhaul at work or taking your professional life in a different direction around February 5–6. Looking ahead, the Sun will trade the relationship part of your chart for the finance and wealth part of your chart on February 19. It’s all about feathering your nest and utilizing your resources at hand to create for stability and security in your life. Think investments, loans, credit, benefits, and your partner’s income. The full moon on February 22 will bring a decision about money and income. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, status, reputation, direction, ambition, relationship, partnership, marriage, union, other people, home, family, connection, fears, trust, feelings, emotions, inner circle, a move, stability, security, income, resources, the material world, salary, bank account.



It may be February, but it’s never too late to make a commitment for better health, getting back on track, and checking off your to-do list. With Mercury gaining speed after January’s retrograde and joining the Aquarius party starting February 13, this will be a natural time to get organized and revisit your New Year’s resolutions. Since Aquarius is such a cutting edge sign, you may be drawn to energy work or any other non-traditional approaches to health and self care. Additionally, projects, scheduling, and coworkers may feature this month, especially after the new moon on February 8. But it’s really the Virgo Full Moon on February 22 that will be the main event for you. Normally this is the time of year when Virgo takes center stage under the light of the full moon, but this month will be about other people as much as it will be about you. What does sacrifice mean to you? What does service? What are you giving up for a partner? Already you’re a sign that is deeply aligned with the needs of others. The full moon will underline this even more and throw in an existential crisis for added measure. With Jupiter opposing Chiron on February 23, a deep emotional and karmic theme will come to the surface — especially one involving a partnership. All this is a layup for March’s duo of eclipses, hinting at a month ahead punctuated by a change in a relationship and a decision about security and stability. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: You, the self, action, the spotlight, vitality, health, wellness, diet, nutrition, surrender, other people, relationships, cooperation, collaboration, sacrifice, letting go, emotional pain, knots, old wounds, projects, coworkers, daily schedule.



Who are you? What do you want to be known for? You may be doing some soul searching this month. While February will place an emphasis on your talents, expressing yourself, and being creative, change is in the air. In fact the first week will kick up a bit of turbulence as Venus, your ruling planet, makes contact with Pluto and Uranus — two planets that demand nothing short of a rebirth and a break from the past. What’s the most radical thing you can do? What’s your truth? What are you afraid to look at within yourself? What’s your shadow? This will be the month to ask the big questions. The new moon on February 8 will turn the spotlight on identity and with Saturn’s long term stay over in Sagittarius, you’ll be searching for truth over the coming weeks, from books and lectures to philosophical conversations. When Venus switches signs on February 13, you may feel some of your recent funk start to subside. In fact the rest of the month will be filled with social events, fun, and busy travel around town. But you may not be able to shake the existential questions circling in your head so easily. The full moon on February 22 will put it in more evident terms — what needs to go, what needs to be released? Activating the most quiet and spiritual part of your chart, you may feel a need later this month to pull back, reflect, and meditate. Sometimes the answers can only be found when we cultivate stillness in our lives. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, living situation, family, connection, inner circle, trust, foundation, emotions, safety, stability, rebirth, transformation, the shadow, psyche, karma, endings, release, letting go, retreat, recuperation, spirituality, truth, meaning, identity, self expression, talent, children.



With Mars paying you an extended vision, it’s all about you right now — your wants, your vision as well as taking action in your life. But February brings a little bit of a contradiction. On one hand Mars in Scorpio is invigorating plus a boost of confidence. On the other, many of the planets this month will be hanging out near the bottom of your chart, an area known to pull you away from the world and into the home with those closest to you. In fact, you may be nesting hard core this month, thinking of ways to better create stability and security in your life, especially after the new moon on February 8. You may even be preparing for a move. So, how will your living space be a reflection of increased material wealth or abundance? You don’t need an overflowing bank account to feather your nest. Instead, utilize and repurpose what you already have. Thankfully Aquarius’s influence this month will give you ingenious ideas to create a beautiful home. When Venus arrives in Aquarius on February 16, you’ll have a mate or a romantic flame to share your home with. Additionally, you may find it easier to open up to a partner about how you feel as well as share your values and beliefs. The full moon on February 22 will turn your sights to the future. What are your goals? Where are you headed? You will have a decision to make, one that touches on themes of the heart. Friendships and community will also feature during the full moon. How can you be more of service? Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The self, personality, power, command, authority, the home, foundation, your living situation, family, a move, inner circle, other people, connection, emotional security, trust, community, friends, groups, allies, the collective, humanity, the future, goals, wishes.



It’s been complicated, hasn’t it Sagittarius? You’re supposed to be the optimistic one of the zodiac, yet you may be questioning how everything is going to work out in the end. Usually it does! (Doesn’t it??) Maybe you’re not so sure anymore. A few things to keep in consideration this month. One, Saturn is starting to slow down in Sagittarius and there’s a growing sense that you’ve got some big things to figure out. What do you believe in? What are you committed to? These aren’t small questions; that’s not Saturn’s job. Two, Jupiter and Chiron will make yet another opposition this month, touching on deep emotional, psychic, and even spiritual themes. Everything is loaded with subtext as a result. Three, March will bring a solar eclipse in your chart’s sector of home, family, and connection. If solar eclipses are the harbingers of change, then something will be shifting at the very foundation of your life. When you put this all together, Sagittarius, you have all the makings of a major crossroads. No big deal, right? On top of this, Mars has been stirring up your 12th House and you’ve may have been a little withdrawn, MIA, or even tired as a result. Nevertheless, the new moon on February 8 will open up a lunar month filled with travel around town, appointments, emails, texts, and enlightening conversations. If you have something to say, Saturn will push you to make those ideas and thoughts more commanding. Then, two weeks later, the full moon on February 22 will put the spotlight on career, status, reputation, and ambition. Time to get recognized for all your hard work, make a decision about a professional opportunity, or make a change in your career. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Old wounds, karma, pain, knots, emotions, family, connection, spirituality, trust, faith, meaning, crossroads, existential crisis, crisis of faith, travel, movement, appointments, communication, workshops, classes, learning, movement, reputation, status, career, direction, the world.



Even though your ruling planet Saturn has been in Sagittarius since September, pulling you away from the world and sending you on an existential journey within, you can’t forget about terra firma. In fact, with the Sun other planets in Aquarius throughout most of this month, this is the time of year when you’re thinking about resources and financial stability. Aquarius is your money sign. It says that a natural path for you to make money and draw in the things you need to feel secure is through ingenuity, intellect, technology, and community. Aquarius is the visionary! So, how will you magic a new reality for your bank account or the things around you that root you to physical life? The new moon on February 8 will be the perfect time to start a vision board and write your intentions for how much money you want to make and the things you want to buy to create more ease and comfort in your life. When Venus, your career planet, enters Aquarius on February 16, you may feel even more motivated to ask for a raise or come up with new ways to increase your monthly income. The later part of February will center on travel, movement, classes, workshops, and writing. There’s been a lot of focus over the past few months about solidifying what you believe in, your ideology, and sharing it with the world. The full moon on February 22 will this to a head. You may have something to publish as a result, embark on a long distance journey in search of meaning, or make a decision about your education. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, income, salary, stability, possessions, material world, security, trust, faith, belief, meaning, existential thoughts, retreat, quest, recuperation, voice, communication, writing, classes, workshops, seminars, travel, commute, the neighborhood, siblings, foreign countries, law, religion, philosophy, higher education.



Happy birthday Aquarius! The spotlight is on you this month! And with Mars powerfully activating the top of your chart, you’re really taking a step up. February will bring a career peak, a time when you have wind in your sails and the motivation to make an impact in the world. So, what do you want to achieve professionally? How do you want to show everyone who’s boss? Additionally, this may be the month when you receive recognition for your hard work and talents, especially after the Aquarius New Moon on February 8. (If your birthday is on or close to February 8, you’ll have a dynamic year ahead.) Venus’s arrival in Aquarius on February 16 will also give you a boost this month, bestowing you with charm, magnetism, and other worldly beauty. Venus in Aquarius doesn’t value what everyone else does. No, she sets trends, she takes style risks, she revels in setting herself apart. The other area of focus this month will be banking and finance. When the Sun arrives in Pisces, your money sign, on February 19, you’ll enter a four week period bringing in more stability and security to your life. How can you make more money? What resources are available to you? How can you surround yourself with the things that reflect your values. The full moon on February 22 will bring a decision about finance and assets. You may hear about a loan or money from other sources. This will also be a good time to take a look at your psychological health. What needs tending to as well as healing and release? Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, the world, status, reputation, title, ambition, achievement, the self, recognition, command, leadership, personality, vitality, new beginnings, money, finance, loans, wealth, banking, debt, taxes, resources, other people’s money, value, style, magnetism, attraction, beauty, charm.



Ever since Jupiter, your ruling planet, changes signs last August, you’ve been in a year long chapter focused on other people. It’s been a natural time to connect with others, start a marriage, strengthen your ties to existing partners, or even leave a relationship. That said, there’s been this energy woven through your experiences of late, a low level ache, or an emotional charge to all your one-on-one interactions. That’s because Jupiter has been making a long opposition to Chiron over the past couple of months. Old wound have been coming up; life has been loaded with subtext. With eclipse season coming up next month, keep in mind that this is a time to let things go — past hurts, unconscious fears, worries over abandonment. This is a time to heal. So, what does healing look like for you, Pisces? How deep can you go? The new moon on February 8 will open up a four week period centered on release, retreat, and spirituality. What do you believe in? What is faith? Then, on February 13, Mercury will finally move back into Aquarius after January’s retrograde period. You may see movement in events connected to the home, family, and relationships as a result — especially if January brought these areas to a standstill or left matters unresolved. Speaking of relationships, the full moon on February 22 will bring matters to a head in relationships. You may have a decision to make about an existing connection. Something may have to change, heal, or release. They just can’t stay the same. Want to learn more about how the astrology of February will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, partnerships, connection, other people, commitment, knots, blocks, release, letting go, healing, wounds, retreat, reflection, meditation, spirituality, career, direction, status, reputation, ambitions.