We’re surfing a strong Scorpio/Virgo vibe today, two signs that make for a rather witchy pairing. Virgo is the healer. It’s earth and craft. Scorpio is magic, an ability to transform one thing into another. In fact, the Sun is getting closer to the midpoint of Scorpio (15 degrees), a point that marks the real Halloween.* The veil is still quite thin right now. We’re also coming up to the dark of the Moon, a time when we release in preparation for the next lunar month.

Don’t forget to use your spells for good today.

* There’s this thing call precession of the equinoxes. The earth has a wobble in its orbit, which means every two thousand years, the Sun rises in a new zodiac sign at the sprint equinox. It’s been a long time since the Sun rose in the constellation of Aries at the equinox in the northern hemisphere. Now it rises in Aquarius, which means we’re in the age of Aquarius. Anyway, Halloween uses to mark the mid point of Scorpio, but it’s been a while since October 31 lined up with the middle of the sign. That’s precession for you. ‪#‎funfacts‬