Between Mercury’s line up with Pluto in Capricorn and a face off with the Cancer Moon, we’re in the middle of an energetic storm today. Things have been getting kicked up — old stories, patterns, emotions, some things we’d rather not even see. Here are some things to keep in mind.

First, Mercury is slowing down and will turn direct on Monday, January 25. This whole retrograde period has been through the prism of Capricorn, an earth sign that is about commitments, maturity, hard work, and worldly status. Mercury is our word, our choices, our thoughts. But it is in Capricorn that we see the results or the physical manifestation of our choices. Mercury in Capricorn, ideally, is mastering choice and having the maturity to know the outcome of our choices. A retrograde means we’ve got work to do and we need to reassess the things we’ve manifested.

Second, this whole Uranus and Pluto business that’s been going on the past few years. This isn’t just any retrograde period, but a time when we’re powerfully transforming our relationship between our choices and the outcome. Uranus and Pluto speak to an evolutionary process. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed or like some major karmic thread is rearing its head, this is your moment to make a powerful change. Or, make a powerful new choice that will manifest a different outcome.

Mercury will pivot on Pluto and Uranus over the coming days. Our choices have to change. Our word has to evolve. It’s non negotiable. Pluto speaks to rebirth; Uranus to a spark of consciousness and liberation. If Saturn, the ruler of Mercury’s Capricorn journey, is over in the sign of Sagittarius, we need to take a tough look at our beliefs. Where are our beliefs adversely affecting our choices? And that brings us to this moment we’re all feeling, on the edge of change. Use this time proactively. Dismantle the stories, release the patterns.