Let’s talk retrogrades some more.

You may have heard that come Thursday, five planets will be retrograde. As disconcerting as this may sound, it’s not uncommon for four planets to be in retrograde and the outer planets spend 4-5 months of the year moving backward. So it’s normal.

I think what’s a little unusual about this one is that both Mars and Mercury are retro, two personal planets. I’ve noticed that things feel a little wonkier than usual as well as awkward, clumsy. (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are also Rx.)

Retrogrades teach us two things. One, we can’t always do things because we want to do them. There are forces that pull us back and tell us it’s time to reflect, rework, integrate, and surrender a part of our ego. Two, retrogrades are times when we deal with our karma around a planetary archetype. Mercury? How are we seeing the karma of our choices? Mars? What is our karma around will, action, force, aggression, the self versus others? Jupiter? Where have we taken on too much? Where have our beliefs led us astray? Saturn? Where do we need more structure? Discipline? Commitment? Pluto? What are we not facing? Even if its dark, painful?

Jupiter will turn direct on May 9 followed by Mercury on May 22. Mars will be retrograde until June 29.