Tag: Yod

Data for chart above is 12/13/2012, 3:41 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by Astro.com.

New Moon in Sagittarius: Head Home

About a month or so ago, during my daily meditation, I curiously began to hear the words “head home.” What? Huh? What does head home mean? Inserted between between thoughts and breaths, I heard them again and again and again. Head home. Okay Spirit, you’re going to have to give […]

Data for Chart above is 11/28/2012, 9:46 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by Astro.com.

Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini: So Here We Are

Happy Full Moon in Gemini! And happy Lunar Eclipse! First, the full moon is a time when the lunar energy is at its peak and its most visible. The Moon is the feminine half to the Sun’s masculine. And the full moon brings heightened emotions, resolutions, illuminations, and blossomings. But […]

Checking in on 2012: An Interview with Dena DeCastro

Checking in on 2012: An Interview with Dena DeCastro

In the latest edition of my Empowering Astrology podcast, I was joined again by evolutionary astrologer Dena DeCastro to review the astrology of 2012. In a previous podcast, we demystified the hype surrounding this mythic year and looked to the upcoming transits. Now that we’re nine months in, what are […]

New Moon in Leo: Shining Your Authentic Self

New Moon in Leo: Shining Your Authentic Self

Happy Leo New Moon! (8/17/2012; 11:54 am EDT; New York City) This is the lunar cycle that dares us to share our creativity, to be our unique and authentic selves. New moons are about planting seeds or intentions that will grow and blossom at the time of the full moon. […]