Welcome to Libra season, a time in the astrological calendar when the Sun shines on relationship, cooperation, harmony, and beauty. Out of the twelve zodiac signs, Libra serves an important function — it introduces us to people and experiences outside of ourselves and our family. So, when the Sun arrives in Libra, we move out into the world to explore one-on-one connection. Libra is also the mirror, a sign that makes us conscious of ourselves through the people we attract into our lives.

That said, Libra is already getting major attention. Back on September 9, Jupiter arrived in Libra for a year long visit, waving promises of opportunity and growth through consensus. The Libra New Moon, arriving just before the start of October, was our first real glimpse at what this Jupiter in Libra chapter is all about. As a result, we’ll be dialing into Jupiter’s influence all October long. Pair that with Venus in Scorpio and its reputation for emotional discomfort and raw intensity.

See, the signs of Libra and Scorpio couldn’t be more different. Whereas Libra is sweetness and good manners, Scorpio has a habit of being blunt. This is the thematic tug that we’ll be experiencing this month. But that’s not to say that Libra and Scorpio can’t work together or even for lasting partnership. It’s that both signs need to be comfortable with each other’s day and night approach to life. Then again, that sounds a lot like the Sun and Moon. And the new moon is their moment of alchemy. May we all find our alchemy this month.

Additionally, we have a couple of other big events in October, namely a fiery Aries Full Moon on October 16. Falling just shy of a conjunction to Uranus with Mars and Pluto aligned in Capricorn, this month will be punctuated by a major turning point, decision, or evolutionary push. Yes, we’re pulling out of Uranus square Pluto era, a line up that made titanic ripples in our lives over the last few years, but there will be aftershocks. But keep in mind that the purpose of this stretch of history is to get us to take consciousness, have an awakening, see our lives with new sight, and make new, empowered choices. Whatever needs to change must change. And it will rattle in front of us until we do something or choose differently.

DATES TO NOTE: 10/1 Mercury opposite Chiron, Venus trine Neptune; 10/4 Sun sextile Saturn; 10/5 Mars square Jupiter, Venus sextile Pluto; 10/7 Mercury enters Libra, Sun square Pluto; 10/11 Mars sextile Neptune, Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Venus trine Chiron; 10/13 Mercury square Mars; 10/14 Mercury sextile Saturn; 10/15 Mercury square Pluto, Sun opposite Uranus; 10/16 Full Moon 23 Aries; 10/18 Venus enters Sagittarius; 10/19 Mars conjunct Pluto; 10/20 Mercury opposite Uranus; 10/22 Sun enters Scorpio; 10/24 Mercury enters Scorpio; 10/25 Venus square Neptune; 10/26 Venus sextile Jupiter; 10/27 Mars sextile Chiron, Sun conjunct Mercury; 10/29 Mars square Uranus, Venus conjunct Saturn; 10/30 New Moon 7 Scorpio.


Aries Glyph

Aries, just before the start of October, two things happened. One, your ruling planet, Mars, FINALLY got out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn. This is to say that you had a very busy six months filled with travel and long distance journeys. You may have gotten deep into your education, too, hitting the books and searching for the knowledge to sharpen your skill set. Capricorn, however, is your career and ambition sign. So, as October opens, you’ll be looking toward your next step up in the world, taking on responsibility, going after professional achievement, or even making a career transition. (More on this in a moment.) Two, the Sun and Jupiter lined up in Libra in late September, your relationship sign, kicking off a year of growth aimed at bringing in new connection to your life. Let’s be honest, Aries is a self driven sign, happy to take the lead. But Jupiter will push you to make alliances, partner up, and pay attention to what other people want. That said, an intense Aries Full Moon on October 16 will put the spotlight on you, giving you a push (or a shove) to strike out on your own, change course, or reinvent yourself. Keep in mind that the full moon will active a process of personal revolution that has been ongoing the last few years. Need a breakthrough? Need to leave the past behind? Need to make a radical shift in your career? This will be your month. Then, on October 19, a line up of Mars and Pluto will bring something to an end that you began back in November 2014. One career chapter closes and another opens. Or, you may need to take your life in a new direction. As you slip into Scorpio season later in October, you’ll need to face your fears before you can move forward. Want to learn more about how the astrology of October will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, partnerships, one-on-one connection, other people, consensus, balance, reinvention, transformation, breakdown, breakthrough, career, the public, reputation, status, ambition, achievement, recognition, power, control, endings, beginnings, trust, secrets, intimacy, sexuality, psychology, fears, emotional connection.


Taurus Glyph

Have you been feeling a pull to get healthy? Organized? Be of greater service to your community? When Jupiter arrived in Libra last month, you stepped into a year long period where health and wellness will be primed for growth. In fact, just before the start of October, there was a new moon that initiated this story even further. So, over the course of the month, you’ll be taking a look at how you take care of your body, the foods you eat, and how you schedule your day. Jupiter is inspirational and you may find yourself surrounded by friends who will be teaching you new healthy habits. Additionally this will be the perfect month to get a handle on any lingering mental or emotional health concerns by booking time with a therapist or counselor. An intense full moon on October 16 will help you leave behind the past as well as any old beliefs or limited thinking that has held you back in life. After all, it’s time for a change this month, Taurus — body, mind, and soul. How you feel about life and yourself is inexorably linked to your physical health. Don’t be afraid to release the the emotions or childhood scars that have been a drain physically as well. Another area that will be heating up this month will be education and travel. You may have a decision to make about higher education, going back to school, or making plans for a big trip. But really, in a broader sense, you may find yourself reexamining what you believe in. You’ve been in a longer period time — about seven years — where you’ve seen your entire worldview torn apart, your faith tested, and your beliefs profoundly transform. An alignment between Mars and Pluto on October 19 will activate this deeper search for truth yet again. Some of these conversations or examinations around truth may take place with a partner. Do you and a mate believe in the same things? Speaking of relationships, the end of the month will turn the spotlight on a connection. Between the new moon on October 30 and a major line up of Venus and Saturn the day before, you may be looking to take a relationship to the next level or make a lasting change. Want to learn more about how the astrology of October will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Health, wellness, the body, hygiene, purity, work, service, organization, education, travel, journeys, beliefs, faith, worldview, connection, relationships, partnerships, other people, commitment, boundaries, fears, intimacy, trust, secrets, assets, shared resources.


Gemini Glyph

Did you make it through September, Gemini? Between last month’s eclipses and Mercury Retrograde, you may feel as though you’re stumbling into October, the ground beneath your feet still a bit shaky. As a result, you may be doing some soul searching this month, taking stock of your fears, your shadow, and the deep feelings that you only share with those you trust. In fact, October may be a time when you feel driven to work with a therapist or counselor, someone who will help you see the big picture and navigate the path forward. If September brought a major change in relationship, you and a partner may be sitting down this month and looking and finances and other shared assets. Don’t be surprised if you’re working through themes of power and control as well. But, after recent twists and turns, it’s a good thing that it’s Libra season, a sign that helps you get in touch with your creativity and talents — anything that helps you to express who you are. In fact, Jupiter’s recent arrival in Libra means that romance and play will be an area of growth into next year. When Mercury, your ruling planet, enters Libra on October 7, you’ll really be ready to strut your stuff and cozy up to someone special. Looking ahead to a powerful full moon on October 16, you may have a major decision to make about a friendship or role in your community. With Uranus driving the narrative, your vision of yourself for the future may be changing as well. Do you need to break ties? Make a radical shift? Do you need to open yourself up to a totally different direction? The days following the full moon will be contentious as well. Nothing to be anxious about, but know that the planets will be pushing you to evolve this month. Want to learn more about how the astrology of October will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Self expression, creativity, talent, performance, children, romance, fun, leisure, play, relationships, connections, community, friendships, groups, breaks, sudden events, power, control, behind the scenes, the shadow, transformation, internal work, intimacy, secrets, sexuality, money, finance, assets, shared resources, loans, taxes, health, wellness, organization, work, service.


Cancer Glyph

Take a breath, Cancer. With the Sun shining its light through the sign of Libra this month, this is a natural time for you to pull back from the world and reconnect to the things that comfort you — home, family, connection. And — good news — Jupiter will be a happy influence in this area of your life into next year; you may see a change in your living situation, from moving and redecorating to a flourishing of close emotional bonds. But let’s be honest, the last few years have likely been some of the hardest you’ve experienced. Jupiter, like a long overdue rain, will help you fill your cup back up, feeding all areas of your life. That said, October will have a few twists and turns ahead for you, namely relationship and career. Yes, you can enjoy the richness of Jupiter while navigating the ups and downs of life. The new moon, falling just before the start of the month, will help you replenish your roots, your foundation. But, as you arrive at a caustic full moon on October 16, you may be thinking of taking your life in a new direction or — yet again — reinventing yourself professionally. See, ever since Uranus moved into Aries back in 2011, you’ve been in a long stretch of time where your public life, your career has undergone a series of major shifts. Uranus demands nothing short of total authenticity and whatever you do in the world, however you make a name for yourself, or define your ambitions has to be in alignment with the core of who you are — not your family’s, not society’s. An alignment between Mars and Pluto will be a major cosmic check in on October 19. What do you need to let go in your career? What are you not facing? Where are your priorities or responsibilities out of balance? Relationships will play into these questions, too. As you move forward in life, how are relationships a support or a hindrance? You may find yourself on the defensive with people this month. Mars in your relationship sector has a habit of heating things up. Whatever long simmering issue with a mate or partner will need your attention in October, especially around the full moon on October 16. By the end of the month you may face a serious choice — commit or walk away. Want to learn more about how the astrology of October will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, roots, care, nurturing, emotional connection, expansion of the home, expansion of the family, move, foundation, relationships, partnerships, one-on-one connection, other people, marriage, career, ambitions, public life, reputation, status, direction.


Leo Glyph

October will open on a busy note. With the Sun shining a light on Libra this month, don’t be surprised if you’re traveling back and forth and fielding phone calls as well as texts. Libra is a social sign, a sign that helps you to connect to others, so there may be an uptick in plans with friends as well as flirtations and romance. It’s also sign that helps you get curious, from books and classes to exploring your neighborhood. When Mercury arrives in Libra on October 7, don’t be surprised if the beat goes up a notch. In fact, you’ll be feeling a wave of intense energy on the same day as the Sun and Pluto tangle up. What do you need to change? How will you talk or open up about something that’s been weighing on you emotionally? Then on October 16, an high stakes full moon will throw a spotlight on how you see the world and what you believe in. Something will have to shift, especially any outdated consciousness about how to take care of your body and organize your daily life. You may even have a startling epiphany. Then, on October 19, Mars and Pluto will come together, cementing in fire and ash any decisions you made at the full moon. It’ll be a brave new world, Leo. Don’t be afraid to let the past go. Looking ahead to the last week of October, the narrative will start to shift toward Scorpio, a sign that pulls you towards home, family, and your inner, trusted circle of confidants. While emotional security and stability will be on your mind, this will be a time to look at the home. You may be in purge mode, riffling through closets and cabinets, throwing out old food or anything that doesn’t fit your new outlook on life. Want to learn more about how the astrology of October will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Travel, movement, transportation, learning, thinking, writing, communication, classes, teaching, neighborhood, siblings, foreign lands, long distance journeys, higher education, philosophy, beliefs, consciousness, worldview, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, organization, service, work, colleagues, pets.


Virgo Glyph

After the uncertain ups and downs of September, October will be a time to get back to basics. What makes you feel safe? Secure? It’s likely that a lot shifted for you over the last few weeks, some of it putting you into unfamiliar territory. With that in mind, you may have your eye on the material world, from making major purchases for the home to beautifying your surroundings. You may be spending more than usual, especially once Mercury, your ruling planet, arrives in Libra on October 7. If money is tight, maybe it’ll be a time to reassess value instead as well as looking for ways to bring more money into your bank account. As much as you’ll be craving solid ground this month, the cosmos still has a few rattles and rolls in store. Coming up to a serious full moon on October 16, Mercury will square off with Pluto and Mars. Something about your values or something intrinsic to you will need to shift, especially if you’re being stubborn. As flexible as Virgo can be, it’s a sign that tries to control everything. The full moon will make you face what you can’t control as well as themes of intimacy, power, money, sexuality, and emotional availability. A powerful lineup of Mars and Pluto on October 19 will give you further clarity, showing you where you need to cut emotional ties and begin again. Then on October 24 Mercury will arrive in Scorpio, revving up the momentum in your life. Don’t be surprised if you spend the rest of October running around town, going on trips, or exploring. Writing and communication will be highlighted as well. The end of the month may bring unexpected information or news as well, especially when Mars and Uranus square off on October 29. Want to learn more about how the astrology of October will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Solid ground, material world, value, money, income, salary, purchases, creating balance and harmony, self expression, talents, performance, identity, reinvention, communication, thinking, writing, learning, travel, finance, wealth, benefits, taxes, debt, legacies, estates, loans, banks, partner’s income.


Libra Glyph

Happy birthday, Libra! The spotlight is on you this month. Between Jupiter’s recent arrival and the new moon that clocked in just before the start of October, you may feel as though a lot of different directions are opening up before you. What sort of opportunities do you want to manifest in the coming year? But you’ll have to take action, Libra. Jupiter inspires with its grand visions, but it’s up to you to manifest them into reality. With that in mind, take a moment to write down what you want to create. Sketch it out. Mold it, and shape it. Venus will be in Scorpio for half of October; you’ll have money on your mind — how to make more of it, how to have more financial security and stability in the world. Scorpio will force you to take a stark look at what you value as well as your obsessions and earthly predilections. Libra loves the good life! So, how will you make it happen. With Mars down in the bottom of your chart, you’re also motivated to bring financial security to the home. As a result, you may be looking to move this month or make purchases for the home that will foster a sense of foundation, maturity, and stability. In short, October will be a time to tend to your roots. But, as the last few years have taught you, nothing seems certain in life anymore. You’ve seen your roots pulled up, your world remade around you. After all the ups and downs since 2008, this will be a month to cultivate what you need to feel connected in this world — family, trusted friends, and a partner who will will be your anchor, your rock. In fact, a confrontational full moon on October 16 will put relationships to the test. Regardless of whether you’re in a partnership or not, the theme of the full moon will be breakthrough, freedom, and authenticity. So, how do you stay true to yourself when you’re in a relationship? How are you being open about what you really want in a mate? A heavyweight lineup of Mars and Pluto on October 19 will draw a line in a relationship or personal connection. Pluto speaks to nonnegotiable transformations. Something has to change or be let go of in order to move forward. By the end of the month, with Venus and Saturn aligning on October 29, you’ll won’t be able to stay on the fence any longer. Want to learn more about how the astrology of October will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: You, initative, new beginings, personality, growth, potential, opportunities, change, value, money, income, salary, purchases, stability, material security, home, family, roots, memories, emotional security, inner world, inner circle, relationships, breakdown, breakthrough, endings.


Scorpio Glyph

Feeling pulled in different directions? On one hand, this is the time in the calendar when you’re naturally winding down, looking back on the previous year, and preparing for your upcoming birthday. It’s meant to be an introspective, meditative time — especially with Jupiter teaching you the value of spirituality, dream work, and a deeper intuitive connection into 2017. Then again Mars recently changed signs after a crazy long time in Sagittarius. Life is also pointing you in the direction of travel and movement. (Just make sure you take a few power naps between jaunts around town.) Communication will be a highlight, too. And, for a sign that likes to keep things close to the vest, you may be in more of a revealing mood, ready to divulge your feelings … and secrets. Going into the middle of the month, a prickly full moon on October 16 will bring matters to a head in your work as well as day-to-day life. You may hear news or have to make a major decision. The full moon will also highlight health, plugging into a narrative that’s been going on the last few years. With Uranus as a long term visitor to this part of your chart, you’ve already been making changes in how you take care of your body, from diet and nutrition to fitness. What else needs to change? A powerhouse alignment between Mars and Pluto on October 19 will drive this home further. It’s been nearly two year since your last up close and personal check in with Pluto, a planet that makes you bear witness to your shadow, your fears. Then again, you’re a Scorpio. You know intimately what it means to face the darkness. You also know how to reinvent yourself, leaving behind the aspects of self that are no longer in alignment with who you are. And, seeing how the alignment will take place in your chart’s sector of communication, a fundamental aspect of how you think and communicate will have to change, setting you on a new path for November. You can do it! Want to learn more about how the astrology of October will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Retreat, rest, recuperation, reflection, intuition, spirituality, meditation, endings, new beginnings, health, wellness, diet, nutrition, fitness, purity, organization, order, work, colleagues, day-to-day life, travel, thinking, communication, writing, learning, speaking, movement.


Sagittarius Glyph

How ya feelin’, Sag? After a bumpy eclipse season and Jupiter’s change of signs in September, you open up the month in new territory. What shook up for you? With Mercury, the ruler of September’s eclipse, still coming out of its retrograde shadow, there’s a sense that the story is still unfolding, unclear. When Mercury finally arrives in Libra on October 7, the page will turn. That said, much of the action this month will be centered on friendships, community, and your vision for the future. Again, Jupiter is already making your social connections a major priority into 2017. And the new moon that arrived just before the start of October highlighted this message further — it’s all about your friendships this month and the emotional bonds you share with your community. But with Mars and Pluto pushing buttons over in Capricorn, there’s a deeper conversation happening about value. What do you value in friendships? Are you being valued by your community? Society? Similarly, Mars will make material security a priority as well this month. You may even be in build mode, creating the structure or making the purchases you need in order to be financially stable. As you may know, however, you’ve had to make major changes in your relationship with money over the last seven years — from the ground up changes. When Mars and Pluto join on October 19, it will be a powerful check in on finance and security. Use the day to create something new, something totally out of the box. Not to be missed, the full moon a few days before, on October 16, will put talent, creativity, and even your identity in the spotlight. Much like Pluto’s long term influence over your bank account, the full moon will activate Uranus extended impact on who you are. If you think back to 2011, chances are you’re not the same person. Hopefully you’re now much more open about who you are and what sets you apart. Lastly, relationships will get a fair bit of workout this month, especially when Mercury meets up with Pluto and Uranus around the middle of October. Don’t be afraid to push your agenda … and leave something that is not working. Want to learn more about how the astrology of October will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Community, friendships, the collective, society, the future, networking, social bonds, behind the scenes negotiating, trust, value, stability, income, salary, material world, spending, money, creativity, self expression, talents, performance, identity, relationships, partnerships, transformation, breakthrough, separation, evolution.


Capricorn Glyph

There’s lots to talk about this month, Capricorn — career, home, relationships, you. So let’s break it down. First thing you need to know is that the spotlight is on career this month. With the Sun up in the highest reaches of your chart, this is the natural time of the year for you be out in the world, take the next step up professionally, and get recognized. In fact, Jupiter will be a career ally for the coming year, opening doors to new opportunities and inspiring you to grow your ambitions. On top of that, the new moon that occurred just before the start of October means that much of this month will be focused on professional new beginnings. That said, you’re in a larger span of time when many things in your life are deconstructing, breaking down, and rebuilding. It’s been a difficult seven, even eight years, the whole point of which has been to force you to create something radically new. This month, with Mars in Capricorn, you’re feeling a push to move forward even as part of you is pulled behind the scenes. As commanding and assertive as Mars can make you feel, it can be a little blustery, too. Be mindful of arguments, especially since Mars may put your emotions front and center. Speaking of emotions, a confrontational full moon on October 16 will hit on themes of home, family, and emotional security, pulling at your roots and the very foundation of your life. Do you need to move? Do you need to make a break with the past? Do you need to release old memories? Do you need to leave a relationship? A conjunction of Mars and Pluto on October 19 will close out a chapter and help you begin another. By the end of the month, as the planets start to move into Scorpio, you’ll be looking toward the future. What’s your big picture plan for your life? Who are the people — friends, community — that will help you make it happen? When Venus and Saturn join up on October 29, you’ll be making a commitment on where to take your life next. Want to learn more about how the astrology of October will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, the public, the world, reputation, status, profession, direction, responsibility, new season, new beginings, endings, taking charge, action, confrontation, arguments, emotions, security, stability, connection, home, family, roots, memories, relationships, partnerships, friends, community, society.


Aquarius GlyphPack your bags, Aquarius. With the planets lining up in the upper reaches of your chart this month, you may find yourself far from home, from business trips to vacation. Not to mention, Jupiter switched signs back in September, which means that travel as well as education will be big themes into next year. In fact, October may very well be a preview of the work and exploration you’ll be doing over the coming twelve months, so pay attention to what comes up for you. This will also be a philosophical time for you. What do you believe in? What do you put your faith in? What shapes how you see the world? With Mars tucked away in October, you may feel a little low on energy and in need of more rest. So, if you’re running around from destination to destination, make sure you prioritize rest. Additionally, Mars may make for vivid dreams and flashes of intuitive insight. A full moon on October 16 will light up the area of your chart that speaks to communication, thinking, and ideas. More than a few lightbulbs may go off around that time and don’t be surprised if you receive unexpected news or information — some of which may come as a download from something outside of this world. Career and responsibility will also be highlighted this month. Between the Sun’s arrival in Scorpio on October 22 and a powerhouse alignment of Mars and Pluto a few days before on October 19, you may be thinking of making a major change in your career. One chapter will close and another will open, although it may take until November for you to see it. Want to learn more about how the astrology of October will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Travel, long distance journeys, exploration, education, learning, knowledge, law, worldview, inner exploration, recuperation, retreation, endings, rest, dream world, intuition, insight, unexpected information, movement, writing, speaking, communication, career, new direction, professional reputation, responsibilities.


Pisces Glyph

Pisces! Did you know your ruling planet, Jupiter, changed signs in September? Whenever your ruling planet makes a change it heralds a new year of expression. And Jupiter is in Libra until October 2017, a sign that will help you explore relationships and connection through themes of intimacy, trust, power, and control. There will be a sense of facing the unknown into next year. Not that this is anything you need to be anxious about, Pisces, but there are times in life when we look into our own shadow, witness what needs to shift, and make the necessary changes. And when you’re facing fears around intimacy through relationships, expect a lot of emotional growth over the coming year. Finance will also be a major focus this month, from wealth and estate planning to benefits and inheritances. Jupiter may inspire you to take on more debt, too, so spend wisely if you can. Another area of focus this month will be friendships as well as your community. With Mars heating things up, you may either be motivated to make new social connections or find yourself coming at odds with a friend or within a group. Do you and your mates see eye-to-eye? Are you sparring over a difference in philosophy or value? The full moon on October 16 will dig deeper into these themes of worth. And with the full moon falling right on Uranus in Aries, you may need a radical rethink of your financial priorities, one with an eye for the future. As a result, you may feel a little shaken this month as the cosmos pushes your buttons on everything from stability to emotional security. With Mercury passing through tense aspects to Pluto and Uranus around the middle of October, you may be dealing with deeper issue in a relationship or at home. If this time of your life is teaching you anything is that something has to give, Pisces. Your anxieties and fears may be laid bare this month, but it’s through this discomfort that you will powerfully evolve and mature. Want to learn more about how the astrology of October will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Intimacy, fears, emotional honesty, fears, anxieties, rebirth, transformation, psychological growth, money, bank account, salary, income, finance, wealth, benefits, taxes, debt, estates, inheritances, friends, community, social connections, networking, groups, comrades, society, the future, the collective, relationships, partnerships, one-on-one connections.