Happy Leo New Moon! (8/17/2012; 11:54 am EDT; New York City) This is the lunar cycle that dares us to share our creativity, to be our unique and authentic selves. New moons are about planting seeds or intentions that will grow and blossom at the time of the full moon. What seeds do you want to plant, especially those relating to identity, healthy expression of ego, and shining our light for the world to see?

This new moon allows us to tap into the Mars/Saturn conjunction in positive ways. While a heavy Saturn sextile to the Sun and Moon may seem take some of the sparkle off of Leo, Mars and Saturn present us the opportunity to command our natural authority and draw clear boundaries with the people we attract into our lives.

That said, there are some challenges with this new moon. We’re still under the influence, although separating, of that Venus/Pluto/Uranus t-square that made earlier this week such a battle ground. If anything, these energies are forcing us to get clear about what we’re bringing into 2013 and what we’re leaving behind once and for all.

My eye also goes to that yod in the chart with Mercury in Leo at the apex. Yods are imperatives and this yod is forcing us to use the power of Pluto sextile Chiron to do some deep healing on how we express our voice and wield our ego. Pluto working with Chiron can be like a swift knife to the more unruly aspects of our ego. Mercury in Leo, on the shadow side, strikes me as a toddler having a temper tantrum. You may bang your fists and shout NO all you want, but Pluto and Chiron will make themselves known. Time to start leaving that baggage behind in favor to the free flowing expression of the Sun and Moon in Leo.

Worth mentioning that there are some nice quintiles (72 degrees) going on in this chart between the Sun/Moon and Jupiter in Gemini. Again, this is about creative self expression and using the voice for good. You just gotta put your big girl and big boy pants on, go out into the world, and share what truly makes you … you! Leave the diva attitude at home.