The Libra Full Moon eclipse on March 23 packed a bit of a energetic punch. But what will it activate in your chart? Read for your Sun and rising sign.

Aries and Aries Rising — Relationships, partnership, collaboration, other people. Time to make a decision about a relationship or to see things for what they are. You may form an important alliance or decide to make a break. A long simmering confrontation may come to a head.

Taurus and Taurus Rising — Health, wellness, work, colleagues, day-to-day life. Time to make a decision about health, wellness, and how you take care of your body. There may be events in your work or office or a change in how you live the mundane details of your life.

Gemini and Gemini Rising — Self expression, creativity, children, leisure. Time to make a decision about how you express who you are, identity, and risk. There may be events around performance and the arts as well as career and your standing or direction in the world.

Cancer and Cancer Rising — Home, family, foundation, emotional connections. Time to make a decision about where you live, from making a move to making aesthetic changes in the home. You may experience events around family or the people who are in your inner circle. You may feel more emotional than usual.

Leo and Leo Rising — Tavel, movement, communication, learning. Time to make a decision about how you think, communicate, and learn. If you write, this may be a time to finish a manuscript. There may be events around siblings, legacies, secrets, and your intuitive connections. Life will be busy nevertheless.

Virgo and Virgo Rising — Income, value, stability, material life. Time to make a decision about money and what you spend it on. There may be a change in how you make an income and what you value as well as the material things that foster emotional security. You may experience events around finance, wealth, and what you own.

Libra and Libra Rising — The self, personality, vitality, new beginnings. The spotlight is on you. Time to start over and make a decision about how you’re expressing your personality or even appearance. There may be tension between the self and relationships, you and someone else.

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising — Retreat, rest, recuperation, surrender, endings. Time to let go. You may have a decision to make about and ending; something has come full circle. Rehab, hospitals, and withdraw may be a major theme around the eclipse. Pay attention to your dreams as well as your connection to the great beyond.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising — Friends, groups, community, society, humanity, the future. You may have a decision to make about a friendship. There may be events or a confrontation within a group or community. Something may be revealed about your future.

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising — Career, direction, status, the world. Time for major events in your professional life. You may have a decision to make about the direction you are headed as well as your title, status, and career. The eclipse may also bring public or worldly recognition.

Aquarius and Aquarius Rising — Travel, higher education, teaching, philosophy. You may have a decision to make about a trip or long distance journey. There may be events around a legal matter as well as higher education. If you write, you may publish a book or manuscript at this time. Money and material stability will be highlighted as well.

Pisces and Pisces Rising Finances, intimacy, sharing, the psyche. Time to take a intimate look within. The eclipse may reveal some of the deepest corners of your psyche as well as themes of trust and security. Money and finance will be highlighted as well — especially a partner’s money or resources. You may have a decision to make about a will, loan, or credit card.