Happy Pisces Full Moon! This is the time of the year when we shine a light on all things mystical and compassionate as well as selfless service, intuition, unconditional love, surrender, forgiveness, inspiration, glamor, and the arts. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and represents the end of a journey and a return to the primordial waters. The full moon will be exact at 9:38 pm EDT, September 8, 2014, 16 degrees of Pisces/Virgo.

This isn’t your average full moon. In fact it’s tightly conjunct Chiron, a relatively recent addition to astrology. Even though it’s not a planet in the classical sense, Chiron’s influence shouldn’t be overlooked. In the natal chart it’s the core wounding, an area of repeated trauma over lifetimes, and a place where we hold both a profound sense of empathy and psychic pain. On a collective level, transiting Chiron revels the emotional undercurrent fueling much of our evolutionary journey. And in Pisces, Chiron is the wound of separation as well as a return to spiritual unity.

Over the coming days our wounds will be triggered. We’ve all experienced it before to varying degrees, especially if you are around 50 years old and have Chiron in Pisces natally. We’ve all felt the spiritual loneliness and a longing to return home, away from the harshness of Planet Earth. (For whatever reason this full moon reminds me of the song “Host of the Seraphim” by Dead Can’t Dance.) Some of us have even felt the quiet rage of always doing the right thing, but struggling in a world that seemingly doesn’t reciprocate. In Pisces, Chiron is the gnawing sense of having been abandoned by God.

Chiron isn’t an easy planet and this isn’t an easy full moon, especially with its ruler, Jupiter, approaching a square to Saturn in Scorpio. The full moon will dig up our emotional skeletons and provide us a powerful opportunity to heal. The ruler of the North Node, Venus, will be opposite Neptune. We have to see beyond the illusion that our pain often creates.

If you can this week, sit down and think of all the ways you can bring healing into your life — body, mind, and soul. What have you been fighting? Where can you surrender? What is your relationship with the divine? Do you feel abandoned, unloved, or cast aside. How can you bring consciousness to your pain? How can you transmute it? How can you have compassion for yourself? Who are you if you are not your pain?

We’ll all have a lot of work to do over the coming week. Full moons are culminations, a time when the truth of the matter will be revealed. Full moons are the start of the journey back to the new moon. If you are feeling emotionally and psychically overwhelmed or triggered, this will be the perfect week for self care, meditation, and spiritual healing.

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