As Jupiter comes to its final hours in Virgo, we’re feeling the crunch — especially with the Moon in Sagittarius today. What do we need to clean out? What is our limit? Our boundaries? What are we saying no to? Where do we need more discernment? Purity? Are we taking our health as well as life seriously? Is it too late to start juicing?

Virgo is a very real world sign and Jupiter, as the planet of knowledge and wisdom, has taught us some serious life lessons over the last year. Today may be the day you get your report card or intuitive download about what it’s all meant. Jupiter won’t be in Virgo for another 12 years so today has a deeper level of gravitas to it. Take time to reflect.

Another aspect to this Jupiter in Virgo period has been the ongoing square between Saturn and Neptune. A square between two planets creates friction and a call for integration or action. As much as Jupiter in Virgo has been about the mundane details of life, Saturn and Neptune have been breaking down walls. So, as Jupiter sets sail for Libra, we may have the sense that the terrain or borders of our life that we had back in August 2015 have long since ceased to be.

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Astro Daily: June 16, 2016

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