The Sun makes one of its four yearly contacts to Pluto today and one of our scheduled check-ins with our shadow. Pay attention to themes that come up today, especially in conversation. It reveals something deeper that you’re working to transmute.

What is shadow? It’s about to be the word du jour as Jupiter sets its sights on the sign of Scorpio tomorrow. As I’ve mentioned previously, Jupiter is the planet of opportunity, growth, and new discoveries. And, boy, do we have things to discover in Scorpio, the sign of the underworld as well as wealth both literal and metaphoric.

When we meet our shadow, we meet our the parts of ourselves that are unconscious, the stories that we keep repeating, the people that we keep attracting because they are showing us a part of ourselves that are undiscovered. We transmute our shadow by recognizing ourselves in others, turning unconsciousness into consciousness, even if it’s an uncomfortable realization.

With Jupiter in Scorpio, the work is not as stark was it was with Saturn in Scorpio a few years ago. Instead, it’s about really opening up to the richness of ourselves — but a richness that cannot be discovered without facing our fears and being vulnerable. With Jupiter in Scorpio, we’re going to have to learn to trust. More on that tomorrow.

In the meantime, let’s reflect on all the growth we did in relationships while Jupiter was in Libra over the last twelve months.

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October 2017 Horoscopes

Jupiter in Libra

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Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash