Hallelujah! Mercury is officially out of retrograde!

Pivoting right at 0 Libra, Mercury is on what’s called the world axis aka one of the four cardinal points. This may be more of a potent station than normal because of the power contained in this degree. We may not only move forward, but will do so with all the energy of a new season. (Plus, we’re aided by this Mercury/Venus mutual reception we’re having.)

Note that even though Mercury is out of retrograde, we have a few days before the energy starts to tease out. Translation? Things are still a little sluggish. Further, we’re going into the dark of the moon, a quiet, introspective three day period before the arrival of the new moon.

That said, we’ve got a couple of big deal planetary line ups this weekend. First on Saturday, October 10, Venus and Saturn will square off. This is a final coda on an extended 2-3 period of working through relationship baggage. Saturn will ask, what’s coming with you and what’s being left behind? What are you committed to? How serious is your partnership?

On Sunday, October 11, not only will we have an electrifying opposition between the Sun and Uranus, but a Jupiter and Pluto trine as well. This could be a major breakthrough day, one that will inspire us to leave the past behind, just hours before the Libra New Moon. The trine between Jupiter and Pluto is a power aspect, underscoring wealth and a bounty of resources. Although Jupiter is in Virgo, so this is power best put into service for others. Use this weekend to really create a vision of what you want going forward.