A lot of stuff happening in the sky! Can you feel it? Now that the Moon is in Leo, it will add some lunar fuel to today’s Sun/Pluto square. And, let’s be clear, Pluto makes for blunt astrology.

Even though the Sun is in peaceful Libra, Pluto ain’t got time for pleasantries. Pluto’s function is to throw a mirror to our shadow, the uncomfortable parts we’d rather disown and project onto others. Pluto also serves to clear out the deadwood to make space for something new.

Also, we need to see how the Sun and Pluto work together, even in friction. The Sun is creative energies, vitality, and life. Pluto is life through the chaos and destruction of a volcano. Even though the lava clears a path, the black soil becomes a fertile incubator for new life.

Mars and Neptune will also make an opposition today. I’ve already discussed what this will mean in previous posts, but there’s a distinct feeling that we’re being called on today to surrender to something much greater than ourselves. Happy purging!