Yesterday was the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, a time when I am reminded that I am not only thankful that I get to do what I love, but that so many of you around then world connect with it. I am blessed.

The astrology isn’t easy right now. The Sun may be in optimistic Sagittarius, but the energy is bouncing over to a tense t-square between Jupiter, Pluto, and Uranus — energy that demands consciousness, awakening, and total transformation. In many ways December will harken back to the monumental Uranus/Pluto square that dominated 2012–2015. With the pressure on Pluto right now, how we do Capricorn has to change, how we do power, government, and structure has to completely shift.

But as much as we’re looking at the world right now, we can’t forget our connection to the collective whole. The more we change ourselves for the better, the more space opens up for a collective shift. The more we heal and open up to the highest potential of ourselves, the more humanity can. It’s more of an imperative than ever. And these are things that transcend borders and nationalities. Integrity knows no country.

So, again, I am thankful for you all. We’re in this collective shift together. Whatever’s been bumping around in our unconscious needs to be made conscious — for the good of humanity. Even if it’s ugly and painful. You can do this.

Read More:

The Last Uranus-Pluto Square