We may be caught in a haze of Neptune and pondering the meaning of life, but let’s look to Venus in Libra. The planet of value, relationships, and diplomacy will make a couple of bumpy aspects to Pluto and Uranus over the coming days.

First up is tomorrow’s square between Venus and Pluto, a combo that often digs into the dark side of love — obsession, power, control. If there’s a high side to Pluto, it’s a demand for authenticity and evolution. Pluto and Venus in aspect can also highlight a level of commitment forged through life and death experiences. There’s a realness to Venus and Pluto, a desire to look at all the permutations of life and love, even if its unpleasant — which is interesting because Venus in Libra tends to gloss over things. Don’t be afraid to bare your soul this weekend; there’s a potent alchemical transformation awaiting if you do. Pluto in Capricorn wants nothing more than to rebuild the structures of what you love and value.

Then it’s on to Venus’s opposition to Uranus on Monday, November 23. We may have an impulse to leave something behind; Uranus has an instinct to separate, whether its a relationship or something we no longer value. An opposition with Uranus is also a confrontation of consciousness. Are we ready for a breakthrough in relationships? Are we ready for a complete paradigm shift? No matter if it’s Uranus or if it’s Pluto, when these two outer planets are in force, something has to change.