A colleague of mine, who is a fellow Scorpio, revealed to me this morning that she felt a huge need to purge out her closets yesterday. Could it be the Scorpio New Moon we had yesterday? Ding ding ding. Scorpio is the sign of elimination. Mars, teetering on the edge of Virgo, is the drive to clean out, organize, and purify.

In a way we’re entering in a new lunar month when we’re clearing space for the new by releasing the old. Would we expect anything less from Scorpio? (Besides secret plots for world domination.)

Also there’s some MAJOR astrology happening right now. The north node of the Moon, the point that shows us the path forward, just crept into Virgo for the first time since 1998. I’m going to save my fuller explanation of this for tomorrow, but know that our collective destiny is now Virgo — order, service, purity, health, and duty. Maybe this is another reason we’re all itching to start cleaning out.