While the Moon rounds out its stay in Libra, highlighting relationships and interpersonal dynamics, we’re gearing up for a powerful Scorpio Full Moon on May 10. Trust, intimacy, sexuality, money — all the stuff that makes us emotionally uneasy — will be up for review.

Scorpio isn’t an easy sign. As the polarity of Taurus, it shows us the insecurity to Taurus’s security, the decay to fertility. Everything that lives must die. And it is within these two signs that the witness cycles of birth and rebirth.

While the D word — death – is enough to make anyone tense, it’s a present and necessary part of life. Scorpio teaches us that we have to be open to change, we have to be able to look into our own darkness and bear witness to the parts of us that are uncomfortable. For that Scorpio gives us the gift of emotional alchemy as well as personal transformation. This full moon will be packed with insights, some of which we won’t like. But it’s up to us to use that information for the highest good.

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Mars in Gemini: Sign by Sign

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