Normally Gemini season is light and playful. It’s a youthful sign. But ever since Saturn moved into Sagittarius back in September, there’s been increased pressure on Gemini get serious and make the decisions that come hand in hand with this seriousness.

You may be thinking, I’m not a Gemini. It doesn’t matter we are or not; we all have Gemini somewhere in our chart, a place where we’re incarnating the the archetype of curiosity, movement, learning, and communication. And as we head into June, we’ll feel this pressure to take a step up in our lives even more.

Keep in mind that Saturn is the planet that helps us grow up, set goals, honor our commitments, and achieve major life milestones. True, Saturn will dampen some of Gemini’s natural enthusiasm. But we’re going to have to make a choice. It’s either a left or a right; we can’t have it both ways.

Read More:

Saturn in Sagittarius: The Quest Begins

Saturn in Sagittarius: Sign by Sign