Today’s Leo Moon is the first test of what we began on the April 26 Taurus New Moon. Whatever seeds we planted in Taurus’s rich earth need our attention. Leo brings vitality to our creations. It’s also the joy of bringing new things into life.

The Moon in Leo is also a reminder that we’re moving into a series of eclipses in the signs of Leo and Aquarius. Over the course of 18-months, our collective destiny will be the sign of Leo. Translation? We will be experiencing events that push us to discover our passion, our joy, and our individuality. Leo is the sign of the Creator. Our shadow or blindspot will be the sign of Aquarius and point to experiences that remind us that we can’t devalue what makes us unique or feel separated from humanity.

Lastly, Mercury will turn direct tomorrow at 24 Aries. Keep an eye out for restless, impulsive actions and decisions. With Uranus so close to Mercury, the next couple of days may feel unstable, confrontational, or profoundly inspiring.

PS — My monthly horoscopes are in retrograde. I’m in retrograde. Mea culpa. They will be up soon!

Read More:

New Moon in Taurus: In Bloom

A New Consciousness for Mercury Retrograde

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