We’re in the dark of the Moon today, just hours away from an Aries New Moon. As we wrap up one lunar month and prepare for the next, it’s a time to get quiet and reflect, especially since we’re coming off of last month’s solar eclipse. What ended? What began?

An Aries New Moon is a new beginning as well as a new astrological season. It’s all about Mars — action, leadership, forward movement, the first stirrings of life after winter. But Mars is in Taurus and Venus is retrograde. Our new beginnings have been a bit of a mixed bag. As much as we want to move forward, we have to sort out some things from the past.

The Aries New Moon will be exact on March 27, 10:57 pm EDT, 7 degrees Aries.

Read More:

New Moon in Pisces: Higher Callings

Mars in Taurus: Sign by Sign

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