What’s your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve? It may be Aries Season, a sign that has us raring to go, but we’ve got some bigger things to hammer out. Plus, tomorrow is Mercury Retrograde. Our plans need a second look.

As much as Mercury Retrograde feels like an total inconvenience, it’s a time for us to do our due diligence and give life as well as our choices a review. Mercury is the planet that governs over the mind, from our thoughts and our capacity to learn to how we communicate and exchange with each other. Mercury is also the planet of travel and transportation, so when the planet turn retrograde, these areas — communication and travel — tend to go a bit wonky. Again, there has to be a time when we slow down and reevaluate. This is such a time. (Mercury will turn direct on April 15.)

Lastly the Moon is wrapping up its stay in Taurus. Whenever the Moon is in Taurus, I get super hungry. Taurus, the first earth sign, is one of the signs that touches on food — food for pleasure, food that really connects us to the physicality of life. The Moon always wants nourishment and when it’s in Taurus, it wants sweetness, pleasure, comfort, and anything material. It’s a good day to cook and savor.

Read More:

Mercury Retrograde: A Survival Guide

Mars in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

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Photo by Rob Bates on Unsplash