Today’s fiery Leo Moon brings some sunshine to an otherwise watery lineup of planets. Remember, we currently have five planets in Pisces. That’s a lot of emphasis on Piscean themes of emotional connection, unity, compassion, sacrifice, and redemption. Plus all these planets are bunching up around the South Node of the Moon. Translation? We’re taking a deep look at our past of late.

But we’re almost done with Pisces season and the Sun will arrive in Aries on Sunday. Aries is a fire sign. It’s the first sign of the zodiac. With Mars, its ruler, over in Sagittarius, the cosmic weather will be ramping up toward travel, exploration, and taking a leap of faith. Something new will start, but not without looking at the past.

We’re not completely done with Pisces though. Venus and Neptune will align on Sunday, making for a magical and glamorous pairing. If Venus is sweetness, cooperation, and beauty then Neptune will help us see the beauty within and universal love, cooperation.