Back in March 2011 we began a story. It was a powerful story, one that initiated a new season in our lives. We may have not known it then, but things were about to radically change.

It was that month, on March 11, that Uranus entered Aries. It’s always a big deal when an outer planet changes sign. (Yes, we got a sneak preview for a few months in 2010.) In fact, Uranus spends seven years in each sign, so it’s arrival in Aries was a marquee event for that year. Further, Aries is a cardinal sign, it marks the start of a new season. Uranus’s arrival was not unlike an earthquake.

By studying cycles of time and cycles of the planets, astrology helps us to see the big picture. March 2011 was only the beginning of a story of awakening that has unfolded over the last five years. Now here we are, as Uranus prepares to turn retrograde, and it’s hard not to trace things back to where it all began.

You’re not the same person you were then. You’ve been pushed, powerfully so at times, to take on new consciousness, to understand yourself in a different way, to redefine who you are, to leave jobs, marriages, pronouns, countries in search of self.

Uranus is the planet of authenticity and a break from the old. We may have to separate from something today, we may be ready to take a leap. Whatever it is, we can only go forward. The past is long gone.

Uranus will be in Aries until 2018-2019. The story of awakening continues.

Read More:

Astro Daily: July 28, 2016

Astro Daily: July 25, 2016

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