We’re still in Taurus/Leo mode — gather, create, graze. This is a combination that has been known to like nice things, taking pleasure in the physicality of life. In fact, the Taurus/Leo combo is really important in the creation cycle. Taurus is primal earth, fertile soil waiting for life. Leo is the spark of the creator that impregnates the soil.

Additionally, we’re a couple days away from Uranus Retrograde, a flip of planetary energies that’s known for being unstable. Uranus brings us flashes of insight and brilliance. It helps us vision a future beyond the limitations of Saturn. It helps us break free. It’s also the shock of the unexpected, the chaos of sudden change, and revolution. Things are changing once again this week. And, as I said yesterday, enjoy the lazy pace today before tomorrow’s Gemini Moon kicks things up into gear.

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