Mars is super hot right now. It’s in Leo, joining up with the Sun in an alchemy of passion and enthusiasm. But Mars also tends to get pissed off easily so our tempers may be running hot as well. Channel your aggression into creation not destruction.

As fussy as Mars can be, we need Mars. It helps us connect with our vitality, our motivation. And you could say that with the Sun and Mars following each other in the sky into August, there’s a potential for us to be really inspired. Ask yourself, what fuels your life? How are you going to go after it?

One of the things I talked about last evening in my Gateway workshop here in New York City was that the eclipses in Leo/Aquarius are opening us to the truth of ourselves. It’s hard being different, but it’s also liberating. The month of August will push you to connect with what makes you you. Mars in Leo will give you an extra shot of bravery and courage to do so.

Don’t forget to shine like the Sun.

Read More:

New Moon in Leo: Ignite

Mars in Leo: Sign by Sign

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