Happy Sun in Leo! For the next thirty days we’ll be exploring life through the lens of self expression, performance, creativity, talent, and play. Leo is the sign of the Sun, and if the Sun is light of the creator, it’s through the Sun that we express our individuality.

Regal Leo loves to show off, make a statement, put its name out there, and set itself apart. High Leo is the artist, the person who’s not afraid to dress boldly, sing, and put on a show. Low Leo is the narcissist, the diva, someone who is self absorbed, dramatic to a fault, forgets that they are the love of the creator made manifest. Yes, there are what are known as “shy lions,” Leos who prefer to express their creativity and individuality in quiet ways. But, nevertheless, it’s still a sign that is about the self, whether the highest or lowest expression.

Leo season is a time for us to not only reconnect with our talents, but remember that we are here to shine who we are no matter what our sun sign.

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