We’re in the last day of Cancer season and boy has it been a ride. Cancer is a sign that touches on primal experiences — basic emotional needs, feelings, safety, security, memories, care. With Pluto and Uranus lending a heavy hand of the astrology this month, we’ve felt our feelings upended, our memories challenged, and our security shaken.

So where does this leave us? Putting the pieces back together? Or, better, finding new arrangements?

Change is never really about going back, always forward, always into the new. We need to survey our experiences this month and translate them into new consciousness. Change is like someone suddenly switching on the light. What is seen cannot be unseen.

Where do you grow from here?

I also wanted to astrology nerd out for a moment because we’re in a season of Cancer/Leo New Moons followed by Capricorn/Aquarius Full Moons. I’m really fascinated by the interplay and polarity of these four signs.

Cancer and Leo, ruled by the Moon and Sun respectively, represent the energies of creation. The Moon and the Sun come together every month for a new moon, an alchemical act that seeds a thought, idea, or vision. Capricorn and Aquarius, on the other hand, represent the energies of manifestation. These are Saturn ruled signs.

When the energy of Capricorn and Aquarius is open and in positive expression, the signs catch the light — the inspiration of spirit — translated down into manifestation. Capricorn is the feminine polarity of matter. Aquarius is the masculine polarity of matter. You need both polarities for creation. An egg needs fertilization.

Anyway, this is a tangent. But I know a couple of you have Capricorn Moons and expressed some negative feelings on the placement. Mind you I don’t have a Cap Moon and the Moon in Saturn ruled signs is a bit different than how the Moon wants to naturally express itself.

That said, I feel that there is a reason and function for every planet in every sign, regardless of detriment or dignity. A Capricorn Moon has to create a basin to catch the light of the Moon. It has to take its inspirations, needs, and feelings and manifest it into matter.

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