Keep an eye on tempers today. With the Moon in Aries stirring up some intense energy courtesy of Pluto and Uranus, diplomacy and tact aren’t exactly where we’re at right now. Then again, Mars and Venus are over in Pisces. If anger does flare up, it’s likely very old. Time to let it go.

Which brings me to Saturday’s line up between the Sun and Pluto.

Pluto is a force of nature. It pulls things to the surface — poison, rage, grief. It transmutes and transforms. It turns darkness into gold. Pluto is also a mirror, showing us the shadow that lies within us, the same shadow we unconsciously project onto others.

Every year the Sun aligns with Pluto, bringing us right up to our personal and collective alchemical work. And this conjunction of the Sun and Pluto is a reminder that our transformation is centered on all things Capricorn, which means we have to transform the very structure of our life, our relationship with the material, with power, control, government, and authority. Pluto shows us the things we don’t want to look at and, since Pluto arrived in Capricorn in 2008, we’ve had to look at the darker side of Capricorn.

That said, you’ve likely done a lot of profound work on the area of your chart where Capricorn falls. Not sure where that is? See below. Plus, read for your Sun and rising sign.

Aries and Aries Rising — You’ve had to look at the shadow, tear down, and transform your career, your reputation, your direction in life.

Taurus and Taurus Rising — You’ve had to look at the shadow, tear down, and transform what you believe in and how you see the world.

Gemini and Gemini Rising — You’ve had to look at the shadow, tear down, and transform all the things you’d rather hide from, your sexuality, your fears, your anxieties, your relationship with money.

Cancer and Cancer Rising — You’ve had to look at the shadow, tear down, and transform your relationships, how you interact with people.

Leo and Leo Rising — You’ve had to look at the shadow, tear down, and transform your health, how you take care of your body, how you organize your life, and how you work.

Virgo and Virgo Rising — You’ve had to look at the shadow, tear down, and transform the ego, your personality, your relationship with your talents and even your children.

Libra and Libra Rising — You’ve had to look at the shadow, tear down, and transform your emotions, your sense of security, your connection with your family, your home, and how you nurture your life.

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising — You’ve had to look at the shadow, tear down, and transform how you communication, how you use your voice, how you think, and learn.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising — You’ve had to look at the shadow, tear down, and transform your relationship with money, how you earn a living, how you create material stability in your life as well as what you value.

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising — You’ve had to look at the shadow, tear down, and transform the very core of who you are in order to be reborn.

Aquarius and Aquarius Rising — You’ve had to look at the shadow, tear down, and transform your unconscious, your hidden fears, your relationship with the spiritual realms.

Pisces and Pisces Rising — You’ve had to look at the shadow, tear down, and transform your friendships, your social network, your community, your relationship with humanity, the collective, and your feelings of belonging.

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On Pluto

January 2017 Horoscopes

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