If you’ve been keeping tabs, Mercury has spent long time in Capricorn, the sign that reveals how our choices manifest as well as the karma of our word. And with Mercury rounding out contacts to Pluto and Uranus, communication and travel are super loaded right now.

For the Geminis and Virgos reading, you’ve been feeling a bit of intense pressure over the last few days. Perhaps you had a powerful insight, were forced to make a change, or took the next step up in your personal evolution. For the rest of us, it’s good to be in consciousness of what we are saying, how we are choosing our words, how we are listening to each other.

While I was half asleep this morning, Spirit cautioned me about how I use the word “opposition.” As in, how I think and express what I am opposed to. Instead they suggested that I say what I am for. So, I am for understanding. I am for peace. I am for love. I am for recognition. I can feel the difference energetically.

As I mentioned yesterday, Mars is in Aries. Things are going to start heating up, something that Mars in Aries likes to do. Aim for the highest expression of Mars, using action with consciousness, heroism, and positive motivation. As for Mercury, the pressure will come off the planet of communication by the end of the week. Till then, we’re all taking a serious look at our words.

Read More:

Mars in Aries: Sign by Sign

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