The Moon may be in neat and tidy Virgo, but it’s highlighting a messy connection between Mars and Chiron in Pisces. If Chiron in Pisces are the emotional, spiritual, and psychic knots in the soul of humanity, then Mars is pressing on our collective scar tissue today.

Both Virgo and Pisces are signs associated with healing. They just do it in different ways. Whereas Virgo healing is tinctures, healthy food, and discipline, Pisces is compassion, understanding, and tenderness. Virgo is healing you can see objectively. Pisces is healing on a energetic, unconscious, or soul level.

So healing and release is very much a part of today’s energy, especially as we come up to Thursday’s square between Mars and Saturn — the first check in with a process that began on August 24. Mars and Saturn aren’t exactly the easiest of energies. They can feel hard, authoritative, and martial. The collective pot is stirring and we’re only month away from eclipse season. Things are about to shift. But first, with all this emphasis on Pisces, we have to make conscious what is unconsciousness. Pay attention to your dreams as well. They may be hinting at something you need to pay attention to.

Read More:

On Chiron, Knots, and Suffering

Mars in Pisces: Sign by Sign

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