What did you commit to? Where did you feel the weight of time? Wake up to a sobering realization? See your limits? With the Sun pulling away from its conjunction to Saturn in Sagittarius, we’re still feeling Saturn’s call for maturity and responsibility.

I literally woke up on Saturday morning to Spirit having a Big Chat with me about my life and recent choices. They showed me a boundary and said, you can keep doing what you’re doing but it will never lead to what you want. And then they showed me a karmic thread in my natal chart with bracing clarity, a karmic thread that was running through these recent choices. Hell of a way to wake up. Good morning, Saturn!

But that’s Saturn’s job. Saturn shows us the framework, encourages us to keep maturing, and is happy to push back when we’re out of balance with the framework. For me, once the consciousness was revealed I couldn’t deny it. To do so would be to willfully be in anti-consciousness. So I’m going to make some personal changes and say yes to the next level, whatever it is.

There’s another factor at play in the astrology right now — Chiron.

As the Sun pulled away from Saturn, it made what’s called a square to Chiron in Pisces. We may be seeing our limits and feeling a call for maturity, but it’s steeped in a karmic knot that runs through our soul. And, as a result, there’s a deeper emotional, psychic, and spiritual current tugging on us right now.

Personally I’m grateful for the chats I’ve been having with Spirit lately, even when they are uncomfortable. They are leading me to my next step in my growth. Maybe I’m feeling today’s Sun trine Uranus as well. Pay attention to the signs, feelings, and flashes of intuition that you’re getting, too. Especially as we come up to tomorrow’s Gemini Full Moon at 22 degrees. More on that later.

Read More:

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Astro Daily: December 9, 2016

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