Lost in the shuffle of yesterday’s Leo New Moon, was Mars’s reentry into Sagittarius. Hallelujah! I’m pretty sure Mars in Scorpio nearly killed us. Insert prayer emoji.

If Mars in Scorpio turned up the volume on the sign of life and death to 11, then Mars in Sagittarius is the motivation and inspiration to seek out new experiences, new wisdom, and hop of a flight to a far away land. Sagittarius is the sign of the voyage. It’s the vagabond. The wanderer. Get ready to travel.

Sagittarius is also the pilgrim. It’s a sign that speaks to faith, philosophy, and a search for meaning. When Mars is in Sagittarius, we’re leading with what we belive in. We’re taking a leap of faith. We also have opinions. Lots of them. So we have to be careful when Mars is in Sag that we don’t come across as self righteous and close minded.

Keep in mind — and I mentioned this in my August horoscopes — that Saturn’s in Sagittarius, too. For all of Mars’s enthusiasm, this is will be a month to seriously look at what we believe it. Saturn pushes us to set boundaries, to define, to commit. When Mars joins up with Saturn on August 24, we’ll all have to declare our faith … or lack thereof.

Read More:

New Moon in Leo: The Fire

Mars in Sagittarius: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Sagittarius: The Quest Begins

Mars in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

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