Saturn may have turned direct, making things a bit heavy and serious, but let’s not forget Venus. Today the planet of love and beauty arrives in Leo for a three week residency. Venus in Leo is fun, glam, and turns up the star power.

Leo’s been getting a lot of attention lately. As the location of the August 21 solar eclipse, we’re in a six month period where the energies that we’ll be working through will center around identity, self expression, creativity, art, and play. Who are you really? When you strip away all the things that are not truth? Are you ready to shine over the coming months?

One of the messages that has been popping up in many client sessions of late is that the Leo eclipse is to remind people to not be afraid of showing their families, their friends, and the world who they are. Life is meant to be joyous. We must celebrate every moment, even in the difficult times. Our passion and our love is what fuels the flame inside of us.

Read More:

Astro Daily: August 24, 2017

New Moon in Leo: Wildfire

Venus Through the Signs

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Photo by Alex Suprun on Unsplash