Let’s talk about the astrology unfolding today and into this weekend. It’s strong stuff, like a shot of espresso. It’s astrology designed to shake the status quo, awaken us, spur us to make necessary or long over due changes.

We’re all in a process of constant evolution. We have to evolve; it’s a biological imperative. We grow older. Our cells change. Our consciousness changes as well. We’re not the same people we were 10 years ago let alone a year ago.

Sometimes we have to take a bigger step up in life, pushing ourselves harder. We need fortitude and strength, maybe a dash of impulse and bravery too. Thankfully it’s Aries season.

Today’s Sun/Pluto square, tomorrow’s powerhouse Aries New Moon, and Saturday’s Sun/Uranus conjunction is a drumbeat. Or maybe it’s like the sound of your heart pounding as you prepare to race up another hill. (Or maybe it’s all the espresso you drank.) Nevertheless the cosmos is signaling that it’s time — remember, astrology tells us what time it is — to sprint, transform, and evolve.

What do you want to do with this energy? How will you channel it? Will you push the boundaries of your life? Will you take a leap of faith? Will you bet it all? The coming lunar month is a potent mix of alchemy. Be conscientious about how you want to use it.