We’re in the last day of Aries Season. After four weeks through the sign of quick action and leadership, our sprint has slowed. Whatever we began on March 20 may need retooling or a new approach. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to start over.

As I’ve mentioned previously, we’re in an interesting time where it’s less about moving forward than it is about sorting through the past. Aries brings the first stirrings of life that then take root in the fertile earth of Taurus. But Venus has been retrograde and now Mercury, too. We have to be conscientious of what seeds we’re planting during this time so it grows and blooms into something we actually want.

Additionally, Saturn is a main player this week. Again, if you’re planting seeds, don’t just throw them into the ground. Come up with a long term plan. This isn’t the time to be haphazard. But it is a time to think out of the box.

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Astro Daily: April 17, 2017

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